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Redeemer Boys' National School, Dundalk, Co Louth

Busy Bees leading up to Summer!!

5th Jun 2024

We have been doing some amazing work in Class 1! We did some great activities through our classroom themes including our senses, in the garden and transport!
We learned about capacity and length in math, and carried out some fun activities in pairs - working really hard together!!

We celebrated Earth day and took part in a litter picking activity around the school! We worked together, collected a lot of litter and talked about how we can be kinder to our environment in our SESE! We planted our own herb garden and examined seeds, bulbs and the conditions needed for these to grow. For art we recycled old milk cartons and made them into bird feeders - it was so exciting to watch the birds come to feed through the window!!

For our transport theme, we made hot air balloons! Creating with paper mache in art lessons, and exploring static electricity in science! We even made the balloons stick to our hair and walls!! Amazing!!!

We also had trips to the playground and library!
Have a look at all the fun we've had!