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Redeemer Boys' National School, Dundalk, Co Louth

Cultural Day 2024

12th Jun 2024

On the 11th of June 2024, we celebrated our second ever Cultural Day. Flora from Culture Connect came in to speak to the whole school about Cultural Diversity and help us understand the importance of respecting each other's cultures. After school we had our very first Cultural Fair and we had an amazing time!

There were 8 countries represented - Pakistan, Nigeria, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Italy, Ireland and Slovenia. We had an African stall with cultural outfits and music as well as performances from a wonderful group of Nigerian pupils from the Girls' School, who performed a dance. Our very own Aidan Moore and his daughter, Síofra, played songs on the ukulele.

The food and information provided at the stalls was amazing and huge credit goes to the volunteer parents from each country who worked so hard to provide a great experience to all who attended. The event was very well attended and there was a lovely atmosphere in the hall.

Thank you once again to our parent volunteers, our parents' association who provided tea, coffee and refreshments (they were very busy!) and to all members of the community who contributed on the day (there are too many to mention by name). A special thank you to EK Fuels (Custom Coffee), School Completion Program (Niall Weldon) and Pimi's Food Store (Peter Folikwe), Castletown Road for providing the prizes for the Raffle.

We look forward to next year and hosting an even bigger and better fair! If you would like to represent your culture/ country, please contact HSCL Niall McArdle.